Are you sold on Power Apps yet?

Top 10 business needs driving IT spending today caught my attention this week, and it reinforced my belief in the potential of Microsoft Power Apps.

Despite the teasing I get, I’m bullish about Power Apps. We put them to good use within Softsource vBridge and I’ve mentioned them in a couple of previous blog posts ‘Take care of what’s important. Automate the rest’, and ‘Consider using SharePoint for your Risk Register’.

According to the article, 80% of the top-5 business needs driving IT spending in 2022 fit the sweet spot for the Microsoft Power Automate platform:

  1. Increasing operational efficiency: 46%
  2. Improving customer experience: 42%
  3. Transforming existing business processes (i.e., automation, integration): 41%
  4. Improving employee productivity: 27%

And if you use Office 365 you already have this capability.  Don't be crazy.  If you haven’t yet investigated the potential for Power Apps to improve your own productivity, the productivity of your team, or to make your whole business operate better, then you might be missing out.

If you like the idea but don’t know where to start, or you just want someone else to do the heavy lifting then check out our website Power Platform | Softsource.  I'd also be happy to share my own experiences with you.