vBridge welcomes Peter Brook to the team!

Peter is a well-respected figure in the Christchurch and wider New Zealand tech scene. With experience in many senior technical positions across large, iconic New Zealand organisations Peter brings a wealth of expertise and capability to our team.

For the past 6 years Peter has held Enterprise Architecture roles within large enterprise scale organisations delivering added value through well planned and architected strategies.  Prior to this he held operational management roles in complex businesses and consulted for some of the largest integrators in the country.

Peter joins our team to lead and guide us in both technology and governance functions, we are very pleased to have him on board and growing our capability even further.

When he’s not learning more about IT, Peter is a keen furniture maker who “won’t let another man’s woodworking into the house”.  Also an electronics enthusiast, he is mixing these two interests to build his own CNC router.  We were recently a happy recipient of these skills when he installed newly turned hardwood on our office coffee machine to solve a drainage problem.