Quality free movies with no ads

If visiting your local library isn’t part of your routine you might be surprised at how much digital content is now available online.  This includes a fantastic streaming service called Kanopy, which has thousands of ad-free films.  Like the way libraries buy books you can borrow they also invest in digital content.

Kanopy prides itself on a catalog containing 000’s of titles focused on quality, thoughtful entertainment including movies, documentaries, foreign films, classic cinema, independent films and educational videos.

Their platform supports Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, Android TV, Fire TV and many Samsung TVs.

You'll need a valid library card with a PIN or password, and your local public library must also support it.  Canterbury is well supported, as is Wellington but if you live in Auckland you’re out of luck.  You can check the libraries in your particular region here.

Got a library card?  Your library supports Kanopy?  Just go to kanopy.com and sign up.  It’s as easy as that.

Each person can stream 10 movies per month and it’s brilliant.