Performance Guaranteed

Do you ever get something new and on the box are statements of how good it is but when you go to use it those statements don’t live up to the hype and your expectations… and all you are left with is something that’s no better than what you had and a handful of buyer’s remorse.

“Performance Guaranteed” is something we like to pride ourselves on here at vBridge, and yes it’s a big call but we do so because we have an acute understanding of the platform we run and its capabilities.

I’ve recently been working on relocating some vm workloads to our platform. We had always said to the customer that they would experience a noticeable increase in the performance of these workloads. Well we didn't lie. These are some of the comments that came from the internal staff during testing once the workloads had landed on our platform…

We cant make this stuff up!

It's incredibly rewarding seeing comments like this as you know its going to positively impact not only the individuals working on these systems, but also the company as the productivity efficiency gained is an absolute win!