MyCloudSpace May 2020 Feature Updates

mycloudspace May 27, 2020

We love making MyCloudSpace better for our users, we often receive feature requests and last week we shipped a few of these that have come directly out of this feedback loop.

  • Performance graph enhancements
  • Not backed up VM report
  • Notes on virtual machines

Performance Graph Enhancements

This is one we have wanted to implement for a while. By default in the portal it would show you the last hour of metrics from the hosting platform and although we could generate you a dashboard link to view historic data we wanted to give you the freedom to generate these on the fly.

To get access to this load up a hosted virtual machine and above the performance graph you will see the option to load more data. Select your desired period and a new performance report will be generated for you.

Example of 6 hours data selected

Not backed up VM report

Following on from the launch of our notifications engine a couple of months ago we are now feeding more data into this pipeline and the first to make it to production is a daily report detailing unprotected virtual machines. It uses the following logic

  • If a virtual machine has never had a backup
  • If a virtual machine which has previously had a backup has not had a backup for 3 days to capture times where one of your users may have moved a VM by mistake to a non-protected zone

To opt-in for this just go to your notifications preferences page (the little bell next to your name, top left)

An example report you will receive daily;

Notes on virtual machines

Nice simple one here but under the performance graphs you can now enter an annotation against a virtual machine. This can then be viewed by your team on this page as well as the virtual machine listing page. Helpful if you need some important (or otherwise) messages against one of these assets.

On your VM listing page you will see a little note icon next to the name if you hover over it you will see the note.

That's it for May, hopefully you find these useful. As always we love feedback (good or bad) so we can continually improve our platform and create features that our valued clients want.

Ben Young

Ben is the Development Manager at vBridge and the gate keeper of MyCloudSpace.