It's Mo Time!

As we quickly approach the end of October it can mean only one thing - it’s moustache time! Yes, Movember is almost here and I think it’s long overdue that vBridge had some representation in this worthy event! A scan around the office reveals we have a reasonable amount of facial hair already present (although no mo’s as such) so I’m not sure how much support from the team I’m going to get! Definitely nothing as refined as a classic Ron Burgandy in the office so we have something to aspire to.....

Now it’s my intention to remedy this situation, take one for the team and sacrifice my dignity for the greater good. I am hoping that perhaps one or two of my good vBridge colleagues will join me so we can make a it a team effort …..... who knows, maybe even a Director or two if were lucky?? I'm thinking the safety in numbers type of approach here 🙏🏼. Hopefully the website can handle all the traffic as they rush to join – do feel free to apply pressure on your favorite vBridge team member and encourage them to take up the cause 🤣


That brings me to MyMoSpace -  no, it’s not a new section of MyCloudSpace (we haven’t quite looked at integration just yet!) but this is where you can support my efforts should you be so inclined. I have no particular expectations in terms of fundraising targets but hopefully we can make this worthwhile for a seriously good cause. At very least I'm sure its going to generate a few laughs in and around the office and in all likelyhood at home as well!

The Moustache

Decision time .... It seems to me that there are endless possibilities in terms of what type of moustache I should go for here. There's the Chevron Moustache | Tom Selleck, the Walrus, the Pencil, the Handlebar, the Horseshoe | Biker, the Cowboy, and even the Fu Manchu?? Guess I'll just have to figure it out as I go, and hopefully mold it towards something recognizable.

The Cause

Of course, Movember isn’t all about the ‘tash it’s about raising awareness and funds for an important cause - Men's health.  Specifically, mental health,  suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer.  The Movember movement has been on this journey since 2003 and has funded more than 1250 men's health projects globally including a plenty here in New Zealand. Take a quick read over some of the good work done here on own shores over here.

These are big topics to tackle but any focus we can bring to them is a good thing. It is an unfortunate reality that many of us have experienced exposure to some aspect of these issues.

The Challenge

So back to the challenge.... hopefully there's a vBridge team member or two out there who's prepared to join me on this task, or maybe even some of our good friends and partners  over at Dell, HPE or PureStorage could support the cause? Any and all welcome.

Which vBridge team member do you think should rock a slug for the good cause?

Thank you for your time and once again here's a link to my Movember page   - MyMoSpace.  I'll be posting updates along the way so join me on this journey, it should be fun!

"My moustache is in need of your support! Please donate to my #Movember efforts and help me change the face of men’s health."