ISO 27001? Yep, we have that.

Today is a great day.  It’s a great day, as we get to share the news that we have completed our accredited certification against the ISO 27001 standard.   Our team has been working on this for some time now.  It wasn’t hard, but it wasn’t easy either and we’re stoked, none the less, to have joined the small group of companies in NZ that have achieved this.

So why did we do this?  It’s simple really, we look after a lot of companies’ information and data – like a LOT of data.  Keeping this data available, safe and secure is a big deal for us – but a HUGE deal for our customers.  We take our responsibility here very seriously, its core to our values as a business after all, and we felt the need to take what we were already doing, elevate it to another level and make sure that we are doing this well into the future.

The ISO 27001 standard is an all-encompassing approach to protecting valuable information including personal and proprietary info, intellectual property and knowledge. Information is the modern organisation’s lifeblood.  If you are going to take information security seriously, you need to do the hard work and have confidence that you are doing it right, not just for today but in perpetuity.
That’s why we chose to go all-in with ISO 27001. We are audited regularly, and continuous improvement is a core fundamental to continually maintaining our certification. ISO 27001 is not just a box-ticking exercise, it’s a full cultural shift and commitment for our whole team.  We could have chosen to certify just our technology operations, that would have been easier, but instead we chose to certify our whole business.

As a New Zealand owned and operated business in our tenth year of operation, we feel it’s essential that we lead the way in shining a light on business excellence.  It’s what we expect of ourselves and we know it’s what our loyal customers expect of us. In this modern climate of increased expectation around privacy of data and information, we know that securing your business is essential, but it’s also essential that your suppliers and partners meet or exceed your own standards also. Our efforts to become certified have meant in some cases, we needed to change some of our own suppliers as they were not able to provide us with the level or security and compliance that we needed. Tough decisions to make, but the right ones for the good of our business and those of our customers.

So, what does this mean for you? Well it means that you can have absolute assurance that vBridge is taking information security very seriously for you. Importantly, it also means no increase in cost for this additional increase in capability. For us, this is table stakes – and it should be for all of your technology suppliers.

If you are interested in learning more, reach out and have a chat with us.  As you can imagine we are keen to talk about this, we’re incredibly proud of this achievement and what it means for you.