Additional protection for your M365 backups

vbo Mar 27, 2023

We recently had a customer enquire about if we could make their existing Microsoft Office 365 backup they host with us have additional protections in place. The answer is yes!

What can we do for you? We leverage Veeam Backup for Microsoft 365 in the backend so can utilise their excellent backup-copy functionality to do one of two things

  • Additional copy into a the same or different region
  • Additional immutable copy into the same or different region

Both options will target our Indelible Data platform which is the name we give our multi-region Object Storage platform which supports object lock enabling immutability should you wish to enable it.

By the way our object storage is perfect for other Veeam Backup & Replication platforms as well you can utilise this for immutable scale-out backup repositories or copy job targets to get your on-premise backup data offsite and protected from ransomware or bad actors. It is also predictable in cost - no egress or transaction fees just the a cost-per-gb stored on the platform which is calculated hourly.

What is immutability?

Data immutability refers to the property of data that once it is created or stored, it cannot be changed or altered. This is important because it ensures the integrity and reliability of the data, and prevents accidental or intentional modifications. Most of the time we hear about this in the backup industry it is to protect against "ransomware" getting into your backups, or where a server has been compromised.

Our object storage platform fully supports the technology that makes this happen.

What option is right for you?

Before we get into this it is worth noting that with either of these options we can select all or part of your organisations backup jobs you have with us, for example - only want Sharepoint data additionally protected - we can do this!

We support targeting either Christchurch or Auckland for copy targets.

Additional Copy
If you simply require an additional copy of your data - we can give you the freedom to select which region you want the data copied too and we will assign you a bucket which will be seeded immediately with a copy of your existing data and any new data hitting these jobs will be transferred to the other site automatically.

Additional Immutable Copy
The same process for additional copy applies but this time the data would be immutable on the other end. Some insurance companies are dictating that backup data be immutable - although we are only seeing this start to occur this may become the norm.

Now, it is very important you understand as the data is immutable not even we can delete it through the object storage system - by design it cannot be tampered with.

Therefore we will ask your to elect an immutability period that is right for your business, this could be a few months right out to 10 years.  Your organisation will be responsible for this data (and the billing of such) until we can delete the data from the bucket. So selecting the right immutability period is critical. We can help you make this decision.


Having an additional copy of your backup data is becoming increasingly popular, we have been doing this in the traditional backup world for years but having copies offsite and in tape vaults - so why should your SaaS data held out in Microsoft 365 be any different?

If you want to have a chat reach out to us and we can talk you through your options in more detail.

Ben Young

Ben is the Development Manager at vBridge and the gate keeper of MyCloudSpace.